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WGBH Radio WGBH Radio

Music For Brass Septet, Vol. 3 / Septura

Prokofiev / Septura Release Date: 12/11/2015
Label: Naxos Catalog #:  Spars Code: DDD
Composer:  Dmitri Shostakovich ,  Sergei Prokofiev ,  Alexander Scriabin ,  Sergey Rachmaninov Orchestra/Ensemble:  Septura Number of Discs: 1
Recorded in: Stereo Length: 1 Hours 6 Mins.

Stretching back from the stark Soviet soundscape of Shostakovich, through the early modernism of Prokofiev to the pre-revolutionary opulence of Scriabin and Rachmaninov, Septura redresses a lack of original music for brass by these great composers by charting a turbulent seventy years of Russian history. Brass instruments feature prominently in these composers’ symphonic output, and Septura is a natural fit for their chamber music. The focus is piano music with one prominent exception: perhaps Septura’s most ambitious transcription to date, Shostakovich’s profound and deeply personal Eighth String Quartet. Quartet. Read less