
Tablet - Portrait

Tablet - Landscape


WGBH Radio WGBH Radio

David Baskeyfield plays MacMillan, Howells, Whitlock, Saint-Saens, Willan

Hollins / Baskeyfield,David Release Date: 10/09/2015
Label: Atma Classique Catalog #: 2719 Spars Code: n/a
Composer:  Ernest MacMillan ,  François Morel ,  Herbert Howells ,  Alfred Hollins  ...  Performer:  David Baskeyfield Number of Discs: 1
Recorded in: Stereo Length: 1 Hours 20 Mins.

Baskeyfield is an impressive performer and notable for his skillful registrations. His choice of tonal colors is masterful. He is English-trained and completely at home with Howells, Hollins and Willan. He also does a terrific job with the works of the French school, Vierne’s Naïades, Saint-Saëns’ Prélude et Fugue en si majeur. But the disc’s real gem is the Willan Introduction, Passacaglia and Fugue. The disc is a fabulous recording and an important document for this historic instrument now more than a century old.

- The WholeNote (Toronto, CA)

David Baskeyfield so impressed a presitigous jury of nine promimnent organists at the Canadian International Organ Competition in 2014 that he was
Read more awarded first prize overall, as well as the prize for best performance of a Canadian work. As the winner of the competition, Baskeyfield was invited to record a solo album with ATMA Classique.

Baskeyfield’s program showcases the organ of St Paul’s Church in Toronto—an ideal instrument to introduce the organist to a new generation of listeners. Though the St. Paul’s organ has not been recorded in recent years, it is well known to organ historians.

The organ at St. Paul?s organ was built in 1914 by Casavant Freres, and when composer Healey Willan played for the dedication in April 1914, it was believed to be the fifth largest organ in the world, with 106 stops to the 77 of St. Paul’s London and Westminster Abbey. Read less