
Tablet - Portrait

Tablet - Landscape


WGBH Radio WGBH Radio

J. C. Bach: 3 Quintets, Sextet / Pinnock, English Concert

Release Date: 12/04/2014
Label: Archiv Produktion (Dg) Catalog #: 423385 Spars Code: DDD
Composer:  Johann Christian Bach Performer:  Anthony Pleeth ,  Lisa Beznosiuk ,  David Reichenberg ,  Trevor Pinnock  ...  Conductor:  Trevor Pinnock Orchestra/Ensemble:  English Concert members Number of Discs: 1
Recorded in: Stereo Length: 1 Hours 9 Mins.

Here is charming and completely diverting music. These melodious chamber works by Johann Christian Bach, known as "The London Bach" overflow with catchy melodies that will put a smile on the face of any music lover. This is not music with a message other than to entertain and the youngest son of Johann Sebastian was an imaginative composer who embraced the new Classical era. He was among the earliest masters to perform solos on the then newfangled pianoforte. Mozart took lessons from J.C. Bach and was much influenced by him. Trevor Pinnock and The English Concert play these beguiling works with a sense of joy and delight. - Greg La Traille, ArkivMusic ArkivMusic Read less